Measuring/Height Certificates

Any horse or pony competing in any class or section that mentions a height e.g. 148cm, at an RAS affiliated show, is required to have an RAS Height Certificate that is with them in the ring during the competition to confirm the height of the animal.

How to get a horse or pony measured

Looking to take your horse/pony for it’s first measure ever?  Speed up the process and register through RAS Head Office and do all of the paperwork prior to going to the measuring stand by filling in the following form and email to RAS Head Office.
NOTE:  Do not take this form straight to the Stand – it must be emailed to RAS Head Office, and a certificate will be completed and couriered to you to then take to the Stand.

Do not take this form directly to the measuring stand without sending it to RAS Head Office prior. Please note the below steps:

  • If you are going show jumping, ensure you can register the name of horse/pony with ESNZ before you do the pre-registration.
  • If you are unsure what classification (type) your horse/pony is see the Type Definitions of Horses and Ponies.
  • Remember the age of the horse/pony is as at 1 August.
  • Allow yourself enough time to receive the information back (Certificate and Measuring Form) from RAS Head Office before booking your measuring appointment.
  • Do not book in a measure until you have your Horse/Pony ID Form back from RAS Head Office alongwith the pre-registration form.
  • Pay the measuring fee (includes Tracked Courier Post – if multiple pre-registrations are being applied for only one courier fee needs to be paid) online  and a height certificate will be couriered to you.  Once at the measuring stand they will note the measure on the height certificate and check the microchip number or record the horse or pony’s markings. Simple as that.
  • Please ensure that you sign the Certificate before you go to the Measuring Stand.
  • Take both the enclosed Certificate and Pre-Registration form to the Measuring Stand – if you do not take both forms to the Stand, they will be unable to undertake the measure.
  • If the Measuring Stand you are attending takes bookings, advise the Stand that you have already pre-registered with RAS Head Office for a certificate – do not make a booking until you have received both forms back from RAS Head Office.
  • On measuring day, the Stand will keep the pre-registration form and give you back the certificate with the measure information inserted on it – before you leave the Stand, please check to ensure that the measure  information has been signed off on the certificate.

Stands – The RAS have made available a total of 38 Metcalf Measuring Machines, which are run by the affiliated Associations at various grounds throughout  New Zealand.

As from 1 August 2011, any new measures – Annual, Youngstock or Life, will receive the new Horse/Pony Identification Certificate, which includes a performance card.  The old Height Certificate form is still a valid certificate when updated with annual measure information.

Youngstock Measuring – carried out twice yearly, once prior to the show season commencing and again in January.  All Youngstock entering Shows must be measured and hold a current certificate.

Life Measures – Forms (in triplicate) are to be obtained from your local Measuring Stand (not RAS Head Office) for the Veterinarian to complete prior to attending a Measuring day.  Stands and their contact details are listed below.  The Stand must be advised prior, that a Life Measure is pending. Please read rules on Life Measures –

Rules – RAS Measuring Rules are issued in conjunction with the NZ Equestrian Federation, the NZ Pony Clubs Association and all affiliated Equestrian Breed Societies and in consultation with the NZ Veterinary Association.

Measuring Fees – as from 26 June 2023

RAS approved Metcalf Measuring Stands
– First measure (either annual or young stock) with issue of certificate $40.00
– Annual re-measure $25.00.
– Young Stock re-measure $15.00
– Life Certificate $100.00

The above charges, inclusive of GST, apply nationwide for all advertised or scheduled measuring days. In the case of a special or requested measure outside of these times, an additional fee may be charged by the stand.

– Replacement Certificates $100.00 – All replacement certificates (lost certificates, change of horse/pony name etc) must be issued from the RAS Head Office. See the link below to down load Replacement Form.

Note – All fees are GST inclusive.

Measuring Forms

Replacement RAS Certificate Form

Temporary Measuring Certificate (TMC)

Are only available at affiliated Shows/Events that have applied and been approved by the RAS, and who do not own a Metcalf Measuring Stand.  Only the RAS approved  Temporary Measuring Certificate must be issued – See Measuring Rule Appendix (below) for strict guidelines on TMC.  TMC’s can only be issued to Competitors/Exhibitors who live in the Show’s defined boundary area.

– Temporary measuring certificate $20.00, inclusive of GST.

Where can I get a measure?

You will find Measuring Stands throughout New Zealand listed below, with dates of their upcoming Measuring Days, if they have been furnished to RAS Head Office.  If no date is listed, please contact the Stand and enquire when their next measuring day is.

Some Stands ask you to make an appointment, other Stands do not have appointments, but as a courtesy, please ensure that you arrive well before the stated measuring day finish time.

For owners requiring a Life Measure for their Horse/Pony, please contact your Stand and obtain the appropriate paperwork to take to your Vet to complete the identification of your animal prior to arriving for its Life Measure.

For owners requiring an Annual Measure, please ensure that you take your Certificate with you to the measuring day, so the updated measure can be inserted on it.  Please check your certificate prior to leaving the stand, to ensure the correct information has been completed on it and signed off.

National Measuring Convenor:  Mr Rick Croft

RAS Listed Measuring Stands

Northern District

  • Helensville A&P Showgrounds – 63 Railway Street, Helensville.
    2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  9 August  /  8 September  /  13 October  /  10 November  /  8 December – 9am to 12noon;  12 January 2025  /  9 February 2025 – 9am to 12noon.   Appointment by phoning Rick Croft – M: 027 492 0345, or just turn up.  Full details are at:
  • Whangarei A&P Showgrounds – P: (09) 438 3109, E:  2023.2024  
    2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA
  • Kaikohe A&P Showgrounds – P: (09) 401 2400, E:   2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  1 September  /  6 October  /  20 October – 12noon – 3pm.
  • Kaitaia and District A&P Showgrounds – P: (09) 408 0212,
    E:    2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA
  • Franklin A&P Showgrounds– Please phone (DO NOT TEXT) only between 5pm and 8pm 027 294 7777 (texts and emails will not be answered) to book an appointment for any of the dates/times stipulated. 2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  11 August  /  25 August  /  8 September  /  22 September  /  6th October  /  20 October  /  10 December;  14 January 2025  Note: Ensure your certificate is in your name as the owner as per RAS database  – if  not, please complete the Change of Ownership  before you book your measure –  
    Note: The Franklin Stand will not accept pre-registration measures.


Mid-Northern District

  • Taumaruni A&P Showgrounds – Claire Grattan (07) 895 4802. 2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA
  • Waikato A&P Showgrounds, Claudelands Event Centre, Gate 3, Brooklyn Road .  2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  8 August  /  7 September  /  19 September – By appointment only Jim Keyte,
  • Te Puke A&P Showgrounds – 2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  Sunday 24 August / Te Puke Measuring Stand has now held its 2nd organised measuring session on the 11th October.  This was oversubscribed within hours of the local notice on our Facebook page.  If you require a measure please send a text to 021 661 530 and we will endeavor to accommodate you as the measuring stewards are available. 
  • Tauhara Pony Club Grounds, Taupo – Lisa Wilson. 2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA
  • Rotorua A&P Showgrounds, Western Road, Ngongotaha, Enter at Gate 8 ONLY. Bookings essential –For further information see our website or contact Lyn to make your bookings Phone: 027 218 4541.  2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  24 August  //  14 September.
  • Te Aroha Hack & Hunters Club Grounds, Te Aroha – 2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  3 August  /  11 August.

Eastern District

  • Poverty Bay A&P Showgrounds, Gisborne – P: (06) 868 6084   E:  2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  18 August – 9am  /  1 September – 11am.
  • Solway Showgrounds, Masterton – P: (06) 378 6247   E:  Stand not currently operating. 2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA
  • Wairarapa A&P Showgrounds, Carterton – P: (06) 379 8124   E:  
    2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA
  • Central Hawkes Bay A&P Showgrounds, Waipukurau   –  2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  3 August – CANCELLED DUE TO GROUND CONDITIONS  /  10 August  /  25 August /  15 September – 12.30pm to 3.30pm.  5 January 2025 – 1.30pm.   No booking required.   E:   M:027 488 6036   P: (06) 858 8269
  • Hawkes Bay A&P Showgrounds, Hastings  –  2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  11 August – 8.30am to 3.00pm;  8 September – 8.30am to 12noon.  Bookings essential either by email      Alternatively for other times, contact Jo Linton 021 413 996.

Western District

  • Manawatu A&P Showgrounds, Manfeild, Feilding – P: (06) 323 1886   E:  2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  25 August.
  • Wanganui A&P Showgrounds  – 2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  4 August  /  18 August  /  25 August.  Bookings via  TX 0212470073 fb message or email  E:
  • Egmont A&P Showgrounds, 8 Burnside Avenue, Hawera. M:  027 327 9202.  2024.2025 Measuring Dates: 30 September – 12noon to 2pm  /  19 October – 10am / 6 November.
  • Stratford A&P Showgrounds    – 2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA P: 027 447 6302  E:  
  • Waikanae Pony Club Grounds –2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA  P: (04) 293 6545   or   (04) 293 7933  or   (04) 902 6766
  • Taihape Showjumping Group Grounds  – 2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA.  Please email Gabrielle Rennie E:
  • Belmont Pony Club Grounds, Lower Hutt  –  2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  4 August  – 9.30am /  8 December 9am. Bookings – Jenni Walsh  E: M: 027 264 0074   Website:
  • New Plymouth Pony Club Grounds  – M: 021 765 659   2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA.

Central District

  • Temuka/Geraldine A&P Showgrounds, Winchester   – 2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA.  4 August  /  18 August  /  1 September  /  29 September  /  13 October  /  17 November  /  26 January 2025  /  22 February 2025.   E:  
    All measures by appointment only – Winchester Measuring Stand Facebook page or  Doug Hough M: 021 178 1895.
  • Ashburton A&P Showgrounds   – 2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA.  P: (03) 308 7908   E: 
  • Canterbury A&P Showgrounds, Christchurch   – Deane  0274356894 or Stu 0272837406.  2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  25 August – 8.30am to 12.30pm / 29 September – 9am to 11.30am.
  • Rangiora Showgrounds, Rangiora  –  P: (03) 313 6945   E:
    2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  Saturday 14 September  /  Saturday 28 September –   9am to 12noon.
  • Amuri A&P Showgrounds, Rotherham –  P: 027 611 2463  Kathy Clyma.   2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  7th September – 10.30am – 12.30pm.
  • Marlborough A&P Showgrounds, Blenheim   –  2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  11 August / 25 August – 9am to 12.30pm;  8 January 2025 – 6pm to 7pm   Measuring by Appointment only – Bookings via Marlborough A&P Website –  
  • Nelson A&P Showgrounds, Richmond   –  2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  2 November  /  16 January 2025 – 6pm to 7pm.  P: (03) 544 7181   E:  
    All Bookings to be made via the Nelson A&P website –
  • Westland A&P Showgrounds, Hokitika  –  2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA. Sonya Shaw (03) 762 5252, 021 054 5315.
  • Ellesmere A&P Showgrounds, Leeston  – Contacts Paula 027 2224473 or Tracy 027 2000863
    2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  18 August – 1pm to 3pm  /  22 September 10am to 12noon and 1pm to 2pm  / 1 October – 5pm to 7pm.
  • Southern Canterbury A&P at Waimate Showgrounds, Waimate –  2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA. Enquires – Judith Johnson 03 689 7775.
  • Buller A&P at Patterson Park Sports Complex, Westport – 2024.2025 Measuring Dates:   By arrangement –   Contact Bev Thompson 021 131 5140 or email

Southern District

  • Dunstan Equestrian Centre Grounds, Dunstan – Contact Maureen Maxwell M 027 440 2665 –
    E:    to advise that you will be attending a measuring day.
    2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  11 August  /  31 August – 10am to 12noon;  8 September – 10am to 11am;  27 October – 10am to 12noon;  17 November – 10am to 11am.
  • Otago/Taieri A&P Showgrounds, Mosgiel – 2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  TBA.. P: (03) 489 3680  E: 
  • Southland A&P Stand, Ascot Park Racecourse, Invercargill   –  P: 027 385 2093 E:  2024.2025 Measuring Dates:  18 August  /  15 September  /  29 September – 1pm to 3.30pm;   13 October – 1pm to 4pm.   28 October – 2pm to 5pm;   17 November – 1pm to 4pm;    5 January 2025 – 1pm to 3pm.  Eleanor Kyte M: 021 163 6506