Thank you!
As a volunteer based organisation, many hours are spent by you and your teams to organise and deliver successful A&P shows across the country and, for National Volunteer Week, we want to thank you for all you do.
We know the enormous toll being a volunteer can sometimes have, especially as you take time away from your families and friends in the lead up to a show to make sure everything has been sorted and is ready to go.
COVID-19 has also added to all our lives, with last minute decision made by the Government often meaning the best laid plans are no longer doable. We know the stress and uncertainty this has caused has been overwhelming at times.
As an Executive, we want to acknowledge your hard work and dedication, and thank you deeply for everything you do.
It does not go unnoticed!
The commitment to your shows, your officials and competitors, and your communities is awe inspiring for us at a national level.
Other events also happen that are out of our control. While no doubt a stressful time, we were heartened to hear of the volunteers that stood up and supported the Horowhenua A&P Show team after recent weather events destroyed some of their facilities. For the community to volunteer their time and some of their machinery to help restore order after the havoc caused is just one of the amazing stories of how the A&P movement is so valued and important to our local communities.
It’s stories like this that show us the best in humanity, and we believe this is simply a reflection of everything you all do to unite and bring your respective communities together
As we move out of COVID-19 restrictions and start learning to live with COVID-19, we’re hopeful that your dedication to the movement will continue to shine and we’re all rewarded with a full run of shows this coming season.
Again, thank you for everything you do.
The RAS Executive